Archive for March 2010
Soalan Okonkwo

Nyatakan bagaimana mengesan perwatakan seorang watak tersebut
Siapakah Ikemefuna ?
Mengapakah Ikemefuna menjdai tebusan ?
Nyatakan ciri - ciri baik yang terdapat pada Ikemefuna
Nyatakan peribahasa / gaya bahasa / cerita rakyat yang terdapat dalam Okonkwo
Huraikan frasa berikut
-Iyi uwa
-Buah Kola
-Hutan Puaka
-Minggu Damai
-Medan pasar
-Pesta Ubi
-Pesta menangkap belalang
-Jenayah betina
-Kisah ular sawa
-Kisah puak Abame
-Orang Osu
Siapakah watak utama Okonkwo ?
Huraikan later belakang keluarga Okonkwo
Nyatakan bukti 'things fall apart ' dalam Okonkwo
Nyatakan tiga perbezaan antara watak Encik Kiaga , Encik Brown dan pendita Smith .
Berikan pendapat anda tentang teks Okonkwo
TOK Presentation Group Topics

Mathematics and Culture
Is mathematics purely universal or is there a cultural perspective to it ??
a) The possibility of cultural perspective ? ( maximum 10 min per community )
Look at their counting system . What made them come up with their systems ?
-The Mayan civilization
-The australian Aborigines
-The polynesian
-The ancient egyptians
-The ancient Chinese
Group Earl Grey ( Fakar , Anip , Acad , Abe )
-The Indians
-Muslim civilisation
-The ancient greeks
-The ancient Romans
Group Derjeeling ( Azzeem , Aizat , Ezreeah , Fatehah , Nadd )
b) The universality of mathematics ( maximum 15 mins per concept )
Look at the following and find out how many different cultures came up with the same / almost
the same concept even though they were divided by distance . Focus is on the past when man was not pretty connected by transportation and communication devices and when society were
pretty much insular in nature .
i) The zero concept
Group Mint ( Ojey , Ju , Acap , Lilo )
ii)Aspects of geometry
Group Oolong ( Alif , Nabilah , Amir , Faqir , Fazmy )
iii) The Pi concept
Group Chamomille ( Dinie , Imran , Daus , Arnold , Qasim )
Tuan Gatsby presentation group
Latar belakang penulis =Nabilah =Qasim
Bab 1 =Azzeem =Aizat
Bab 2 =Ali Imran =Amir
Bab 3 =Arnold =Che fatehah
Bab 4 =Lilo =Dinie
Bab 5 =Ojey =Abe
Bab 6 =Juraimy =Fazmy
Bab 7 =Asyraf =Hanip
Bab 8 =Alif =Faqir
Bab 9 =Fakar =Firdaus
Plot =Ezy =Nadd
Belakon =Acad @ Jamal @ Mapple
Sapa gamak tak puas hati , mai kita berentap .. haha
Holiday Homework !!!

Guys , this is our assignments for the holiday .. :( .. well .. like it or not .. here it is ..
-Chem report (practical 13 & 14)
-Mathematics portfolio ( sample 1)
-ITGS (multimedia presentation) -ITGS (criterion I screenshot)
-Malay A1 (Tuan Gatsby Presentation ) -Malay A1 (teknik & lakonan Okonkwo )
- Group 4 project
-TOK presentation 9 math & culture )
-Mathematics portfolio ( sample 1)
-ITGS (multimedia presentation) -ITGS (criterion I screenshot)
-Malay A1 (Tuan Gatsby Presentation ) -Malay A1 (teknik & lakonan Okonkwo )
- Group 4 project
-TOK presentation 9 math & culture )
Well .. If any of you has any question or has any suggestion , feel free to tell me ..
p/s : HAPPY HOLIDAYS guys ..
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